Lindsay's Observatory

Welcome! This is my unique compilation of artworks including digital imageries, computer illustrations, photography, and original hand drawn pieces.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

I Love You, Mom.


"Mom" (Various Weight Graphite Pencils / Life Style Character Development / Illustration Techniques I) A drawing of my mother using only cross-hatching and graphite pencil.
"My Color Wheel" (Various Prisma Colors / Illustration Techniques I) - The objective of this project was to create our own unique style color wheel. We had to incorporate the different tones, shades, and tints of each color, as well as experiment with the blending of certain colors.

"Fire Words In The City" (Four hand-comped type designs that incorporate fonts from the five major type classifications.To develop an understanding of the unique characteristics of letterforms from different historical periods.To evaluate the way that letter-pairs function and develop the ability to letterspace words based upon perceived visual relationships.To create dynamic type designs using traditional media.
"Way Finding Road Signs" (Fine Point Sharpies Black & Yellow / Illustration Techniques I) - In this project the objective was to create way finding road signs for various locations. For each of the 9 categories we were supposed to create 5 thumbnails...but 98 thumbnails later I lost count!

"Viewpoint" (Vine Charcoal / Perspective Drawing / Drawing I) - In this project we got to choose between 2 different view points on objects. I chose an "ant's eye view" as my viewpoint and proceeded to draw. It was a 9 hour process.



"Psychological Space" (Vine Charcoal / Tonal Drawing / Drawing I) - In this project we had to pick a space that we enjoyed and liked and were to create a tonal drawing of it. I used a tonal approach to create several different scales of value.
"Biography" (Adobe Photoshop CS5 / Digital Imaging I) - The objective for this project was to create a photo collage that uses a personal photograph as a keystone to create a layered illustration that builds a complete tapestry of both memory (past) and possibility (future).

"Tissue Box" & "Wrapping Paper For My Girlfriends" (Adobe Photoshop CS5 / Digital Imaging I) - Our objective in this project was to design two different pattern designs: one for our best friend and one for a person twice the age of our best friend who might shop at Target. Design the two pattern designs for similar purposes: fabric design, gift wrap paper, surface design (skins), etc.
"San Antonio Botanical Garden" (Adobe Photoshop CS5 / Digital Imaging I) - For this project we had to design A kaleidoscope poster to promote the San Antonio Botanical Garden. The theme was Spring in the Garden.
"Think Life" (Adobe Photoshop CS5 / Digital Imaging I) - In this project we were to design a poster that conveyed a conservation message towards animals while portraying the animal itself and the environment in which it lives. We were only able to use the silhouette of the animal and background.This project made it into the 2011 San Antonio College Student Art Exhibition!!!

"Me" (Adobe Illustrator CS5 / Computer Illustration I) - In this project we were to completely illustrate a picture of ourself using Illustrator CS5. We were also to create a blog using this as our profile picture. (And that is how this blog came to be)!
"Fiesta 2012" (Adobe Illustrator CS5 / Computer Illustration I) - In this project we were to design the 2012 Fiesta Poster. The poster was to represent our unique style. We were also to use the imagery of San Antonio reflecting the excitement and spirit of the Fiesta City.
"Dog Stamp" (Adobe Illustrator CS5 / Computer Illustration I) - In this project, our objective was to design a stamp for the United States Postal Service.
"Patterns In Nature" (Adobe Illustrator CS5 / Computer Illustration I) - In this project we were to design a cover for a trade paperback book titled "Patterns In Nature." We were to create an organic or geometric design using patterns in nature from photographic sources as drawing templates.
"Bee Yourself" (Adobe Illustrator CS5 & Adobe Photoshop CS5 / Computer Illustration I) - In this project we were to create a poster that illustrates a specific environment and at least one zoological and one botanical specimen specific to that environment. The poster was also to include a headline that made a statement of appeal.
"Birthday Invitation" (Adobe Illustrator CS5/First Freelance Project) - A birthday invitation for a two year old little girl. These characters were from a show that she really liked, so I incorporated them into her invite.
"Tonal Skull" (Vine Charcoal / Tonal Drawing / Drawing I) - This is a study of the tonal drawing of an animal skull.
"Type Of Wood" (Vine Charcoal / Texture Drawing / Drawing I) - In this study we explored many different type of textures and proceeded to convey that texture though sketch.
"Tope & Water" (Charcoal/Composite Shape Drawing/Drawing I) -This is a study in which we explored the composite shape of objects and negative space around those objects.
"Keys" (Charcoal / Negative Shape Drawing) - A study for my Drawing I class in which we explored the negative shapes around and inside of objects.
"Guitar" (Charcoal / Negative Shape Drawing) - This was a study for my Drawing I class in which we explored the negative shape around and inside of objects.
"Unfinished House" (Vine Charcoal, Charcoal Pencil, & Ebony Pencil / Organized Line Drawing) - This assignment was to focus completely on the lines of this house without adding tone or shading. This house was massive and took over 2 days to get as far as I did.
"First Blind Contour" (Charcoal Pencil / Blind Contour Drawing) - This is my first attempt at a blind contour drawing. We were not allowed to look at our drawings until we had felt that we had completely drawn each part of the figure to the best of our ablility.
"Untitled" (Charcoal Pencil / Contour Line Drawing) - This piece is a study of only portraying the contour lines of this vase and flowers.
"Valentine Flowers" (Charcoal Pencil & Conte Crayon / Continuous Line Contour Drawing) - A study in which we demonstrated the contour lines of objects while using one continous line. I used the Valentine flowers that Israel had gotten me =)
"Still Life Animal Skull" (Charcoal & Vine Charcoal / Gesture Drawing) - Another study in gesture drawing for my Drawing I class.
"Globe" (Vine Charcoal / Gesture Drawing) - A study on gesture drawing in which we were supposed to draw a figure that represented movement.
"Pookie 2" (Vine Charcoal / Gesture Drawing) - Another gesture drawing and Sketchbook entry of Pookie.
"Drop Out" (Charcoal / Figure Drawing) - This is a figure drawing exercise I did in my Drawing I class. Some of the students in our class volunteered to model for our figure study. We did 1 to 5 minute studies. I felt that even though this piece is not complete, that it was one of my most successful in that I captured almost the entire figure. I titled this one "Drop Out" because this girl ended up dropping the course.
"Still Life Bike" (Charcoal / Gesture Drawing) - A practice gesture drawing assignment I did in my Drawing I class. We did 30 second, 1 minute, 2 minute, and 3 minute studies.
"Pookita Banana" (India Ink & Brush Gesture Painting) - My dog Pookie =) I needed a model to practice my gesture painting.