Lindsay's Observatory

Welcome! This is my unique compilation of artworks including digital imageries, computer illustrations, photography, and original hand drawn pieces.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

"Bird 2" (India Ink & Brush & Conte Crayon / Gesture Drawing) - This is my first project in my Drawing I class. Our objective was to draw/paint something that has or creates movement. I thought that this bird, fluffing it's feathers was a perfect canidate for this project. My teacher liked this painting so much that she entered it into The San Antonio College Art Show. Hopefully it places!!!
"Bird 1" (India Ink & Brush) - This is an entry in my sketchbook, inspired by an upcoming work of art that I will be creating soon!!!
"Swirl" (Assorted Acryllic Paints) - Just a simple entry in my sketchbook. I wanted something colorful and something with circles.
"Female 2" (India Ink & Brush) -  I have always liked to draw the female figure and have sketched and drawn it many times. This is my first time painting the female figure using India Ink, and I really love it!
"Female 1" (India Ink & Brush) - An experimentation of the female figure and India Ink.
"Made For Mom" (Extra Fine Point Sharpie & Sparkle Felt Fabric) - My Mom loves everything Disney so I made this for her as a Christmas present. I made this piece by stippling both Minnie and Mickey Mouse, and hand cut them out as well as the moon and stars. Not gonna lie, this project took a lot of time, but I love it and so does she.
"For Dad" (Aluminum Wire & Adhesive) - Needless to say my Dad loves Mickey Mouse and everthing Disney. I made this this for him and gave it to him on Christmas as a decoration for his office. Although the aluminum wiring is very maliable, it was quite difficult for it to keep the circular shapes.
"Under My Sea" (Graphite Pencil) - I really love to create cartoon-like characters in my artwork. I would really like to illustrate childrens books one day with all the characters that I have created in the past...that is a goal of mine.
"Apple" (Graphite Pencil) - Just a little something that I did in my spare time...warming up for a new school semester of drawing and designing.